Information on Skin Care Definitions: 

Information on Causes, Methods of Treatment and Long Term Prognosis.
Acne is a skin disorder commonly distinguished by the appearance of pimples and inflamed and infected lesions resulting from clogged skin pores. Acne is associated with poor diet, depression, anxiety and unemployment. Equally affecting both sexes in adulthood, women are more likely to be concerned about it due to the affect on facial appearance. Numerous treatments are available. Foods to avoid include excessive amounts of chocolate, fatty / junk food and sweets.

An Allergy or an allergic reaction is the term given to the over-reaction of the bodies immune defense systems to a normally harmless substance. A substance or allergen which produces a certain reaction in one individual may or may not produce the same reaction in another. Common Allergens include food, pollen, bee stings, ant bites, dust mites. Some people may have fatal reactions to such common foods as nuts and pineapple and common insect bites. In addition over time an individual may become sensitized so that repeated allergen exposure results in a more severe response. For example being bitten by a number of wasps may initially result in no more than discomfort and a headache. A second, later exposure, may result in a severe allergic reaction where the throat swells up and respiratory failure occurs. Sensitization is not limited to naturally occurring Allergens. Domestic and industrial detergents, degreasers and formaldehyde, petrol and many other industrial chemicals may in the long term with repeated exposure result in contact dermatitis and severe skin and other problems. There may also be synergistic effects where repeated exposure to one or a number of Allergens may predispose increased sensitivity to any number of Allergens

The bodies natural defense systems normally protect us from infections and disease. In the presence of an allergen these same systems go into overdrive as White Blood cells produce histamines as they fight the invader. Histamines in turn produce various reactions from sneezing, irritated and weeping eyes, to itching and rashes.

Treatments commonly include removal of Allergens, better ventilation of workplace, anti-histamines, gloves, barrier creams, medicated creams, substitution of alkaline soaps with balanced ph detergents, low irritant shampoos, and improved diet and exercise.

Dandruff is also called ‘pityriasis capitis’and is an uninflammed form of seborrhoeic dermatitis
Normally the human body continuously produces and sheds skin replacing the entire skin. In fact some 80% of household dust is shed skin. Normally this process is not noticed. In the case of Dandruff the process speeds up and excessive production and shedding of skin particularly to the scalp results in the shedding of silvery flakes of dead skin or Dandruff. In severe cases the skin shed may not be dead.
The causes of dandruff are many and varied including genealogy, exposure to stress, lack of sleep, poor diet such as excessive fats, sugars and starch, sensitivity to hair colorants, shampoos, hair gels, sprays and deodorants.
Generally skin specialists associate dandruff with a Pityrosporum ovale yeast fungus's (also known as Malassezia) which is naturally present on the scalp but for unknown reasons stimulates overproduction of skin. Dandruff commonly occurs in the scalp, eyebrows, beard and can migrate to face and neck.
Dandruff is aggravated by poor diet and bad hygiene and may be affected by allergic reactions to chocolate, nuts or shellfish.
Dandruff cannot be cured but can generally be controlled with over the counter products such as coal tar shampoos to cleanse and inhibit excessive skin production and salicylic acid shampoos to loosen and remove scales. In severe cases consult your medical professional for a prescription product such as zinc pyritheone, selenium sulfide, anti-fungal agents, hydrocortisone cream or topical steroids.
Commonly available over the counter products include Neutrogena, Head and Shoulders, Pantene Pro-V Dandruff Formula, Pert Plus, Selsun Blue, Tegrin and Nizoral.
Nizoral contains a patented active ingredient known as ketoconazole (discovered by Dr. Paul Janssen in Belgium). This is active against Pityrosporum ovale fungus's and is long lasting.
Internal consumption or external use of garlic and oregano oil are believed beneficial.

 The terms Dermatitis and Eczema are often used interchangeably.
If you have troublesome dermatitis, consult a dermatologist for advice.
Dermatitis my be acute or chronic
Acute Dermatitis- a rapidly evolving red rash which may be blistered and swollen
Chronic Dermatitis - a long standing irritable area often lichenfied or thickened and darker than surrounding skin
Varieties include:

Atopic Dermatitis -
Associated with family history or hay fever or asthma (often hay fever, asthma and dermatitis or eczema go together) appears as acute flares with inflamed, red, sometimes blistered and weepy patches. In between flares, the skin may appear normal or suffer from chronic eczema with dry, thickened and itchy areas. Affects ~ 15 -20% of children and ~1-2 % of adults.

Irritant Contact Dermatitis -
Often results from the combination of atopic Dermatitis and contact with industrial or domestic cleansers and chemicals, hair care colorants or farming insecticides and fertilizers.
Allergic Contact Dermatitis -
Results from contact with allergen that most people are not allergic to e.g. rubber
Dry Skin -
usually found in lower legs

Nummular Dermatitis -
Sometimes called Discoid Eczema usually set off by an injury named after typical disc or coin like shape. Size of each patch varies from millimeters to several centimeters in diameter and may last for months. Often infected with staphylococcus aureus (Golden Staph) a secondary infection which unfortunately occurs in hospitals.

Seborrhoeic Dermatitis -
Believed to be associated with Pityrosporum ovale yeast fungus's. Appears as salmon-pink flat patches with a loose bran-like scale to various parts of the body - face, folds of skin, inside and behind the ears and sometimes back and front. May or may not be itchy.
Dandruff is an uninflammed version of Seborrhoeic Dermatitus of the scalp.

Infective Dermatitis -
Results from a bacterial or fungal infection
Gravitational Dermatitis -
Occurs in the elderly due to poor circulation in lower legs

The terms Dermatitis and Eczema are often used interchangeably. Please refer to Dermatitis section for more detail.
A noncontiguous inflammation of the skin, characterized chiefly by redness, itching, and the outbreak of lesions that may discharge serous matter and become encrusted and scaly.

Psoriasis is a genetically determined inflammatory and proliferative non-contagious skin disease characterized by recurrent sharply demarcated, dull red and scaly plaques / silvery scales.
Increasing daily consumption of water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices is reported beneficial to the treatment of Psoriasis.

Rosacea is a skin condition somewhat akin in appearance to acne, where excessive blood circulation creates a ruddy appearance. Rosacea is a livid facial rash that mainly affects middle-aged men and women with fair skin. The cause is unknown but there is some evidence that occurrence may be linked to stress and long-term sun exposure. Good Diet and increasing intake of fruits and vegetables is reported to be beneficial for reducing Rosacea.